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  • 成都 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 05-21
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    岗位职责: 1.接待,引领顾客,提醒顾客安全 2.负责所在区域客用物品的储备整理 3.注意提醒客人带好手牌及随身贵重物品,检查柜门是否锁好 4.注意随时巡岗检查(如有客人遗漏物品第一时间交前台并做好登记) 5.顾客咨询解答等其他
  • 北京-延庆区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 年底双薪
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-16
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    【岗位职责】 1、做好商品销售工作,自觉遵守柜台纪律,执行营业员操作规范,明码标价。 2、卫生工作要认真细致,做到干净清洁。 3、接待宾客时要面带笑容,做到“主动、热情、耐心、周到”。主动介绍商品的特点、性能、产地、价格情况,为宾客选购商品当好参谋。 4、出售的商品包装要牢固美观,方便宾客携带。 5、爱护商品,做好商品的清洁卫生工作。 6、健身中心的日常接待和维护。 7、领导交办理的其他事宜。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验2年以上。 2、掌握一门外语,能与宾客进行交流。 3、工作认真负责,有强烈的工作责任感。 4、仪表端正、身体健康。 5、性格开朗,热情友善。
  • 全国 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一价全包
    • 海外工作机会
    • 每年轮换酒店
    • 大中华区3家
    • 多元化团队
    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 05-20
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    【岗位职责】 1. 接待顾客、为顾客提供建议、销售产品以满足客户需求和期待 2. 接受货物、核对交货单 3. 根据Club Med的标准和商品销售流程布置产品陈列、存放 4. 关注客户、客户需求和客户期待以维护老客户 5. 考虑客户的评价和建议,并将相关评价和建议反馈给经理 【岗位要求】 1. 有销售经验优先 2. 须同时掌握英语和普通话两种语言,掌握其它外语者更佳 3. 该岗位需每周工作6天 【G.O福利】: 双人住宿; 一日三餐国际自助餐厅; 吧台饮料畅饮; 度假村内所有娱乐活动及场地设施免费使用; 机场接送服务; 工作满一年往返度假村和住址机票; 完善的工作意外伤害保险及社会保险; 国际化G.O团队; 拥有登台演出的机会; 每年轮换海外及大中华区度假村工作机会; Club Med海外度假村免费房间; 快速晋升通道。
  • 三亚 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 09:34
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    Job Summary 职位简述 § The Retail Clerk will work on a rotation basis within the Atlantis Brand Retail Outlets. The rotation is based on sales performance and will involve working indoors and outdoors across the resort. § 零售员工将在亚特兰蒂斯品牌零售店内轮流工作。 轮换是基于销售业绩,将涉及整个度假村的室内和室外工作。   Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 § Delivering service standards as per the companies and departments standards § 按照公司及部门标准进行服务 § Meeting individual revenue targets (sales) on the shop floor on a daily basis. § 每天完成店铺及个人销售目标 § Ensure process is followed to minimize stock loss – damages/returns and exchanges follow up the policies and procedures set. § 确保遵循流程最大程度减少库存损耗-损坏赔偿和交易严格按照所设定政策及流程执行 § Promote effective communication and adequate information flow within the assigned store with your colleagues and Team leaders. § 在所分配的商店内与同事及领导保持有效的沟通和充分的信息交流 § Ensuring the retail outlet is presented to the highest standard on a daily basis. § 确保零售店内每天呈现最高标准 § Take instruction from Shop Floor Team Leaders. § 遵从店内领班及店长的指导
  • 苏州 | 1年以上 | 高中



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 13:23
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    .Job Purpose:    工作目的 To conduct selling, present merchandises and provide necessary product information to customers in order to ensure sales budget are met or exceeded. 引导销售,介绍物品以及为客人提供必要的产品信息以确保销售预算达到或超出目标 KEY RESULT AREAS 主要工作职责 1.     To attend to guests, perform selling and execute up selling strategies in order to achieve sales budget in respective outlet in charge. 对客销售,营运销售以及执行促销策略以达到所负责店面的预算 2.     To execute shop floor task lists as per standard operating procedures. 执行营运标准程序所设立的店面工作 3.     To ensure that excellent customer service is carried out as per trainings/guidelines. 按照培训/指导守则确保优秀的对客服务 4.     To always provide product knowledge and presentation to guests. 掌握产品知识并介绍给客人 5.     To ensure that the gallery is always presentable and excellent visual display is maintained. 确保店面整洁,摆设完好 6.     To carry out non-shop floor and/or administrative task lists as assigned by Sale Supervisor/ Operations Executive effectively. 执行销售主管/营运代理所分配的非店面行政工作 7.     To conduct and implement stock take as planned. 按照计划参与盘点 8.     To monitor stock movement and ensure stock control procedures are carried out effectively. 监察货物流动并保证货物控制流程得以有效实施 PERSONAL SPECIFICATION 个人能力描述 ·     Excellent English language skills 优秀的英语技能 ·     Good customer relations skills 良好的与客人沟通技能 ·     Positive outgoing personality 积极的开朗的外向型的个性
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Perform the actual manual and technical operation of the PABX Switchboard, Send faxes and provide a system of locating or paging guests who have telephone calls. To facilitate a memorable guest experience during the guests stay, by delivering items, acting upon requests and providing guest assistance where required, and to adhere to DoubleTree Brand Standards. 礼貌专业的接听,转接所有来电,依照希尔顿逸林品牌标准及客人的不同需求协同相关部门为客人提供服务,让顾客在到达,停留,离开的整个过程中享受热情周到的服务。 1.         Ensure the correct operation of the switchboard for fast and efficient transferring of internal and external calls. 快速高效的转接所有来电。 2.         Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome. Responds to inquiries with accurate information regarding hours of outlet operation, directions to local attractions, or meeting rooms, etc. according to individual needs. 诚挚友好的问候客人。快速精准的回答和应对客人提出的问题及要求,其中包括各消费场所的营运时间方位等。 3.         Ensure the Careline Supervisor or  Manager is kept fully aware of any relevant feedback from either customers or other department. 将客人和其他部门的意见和建议及时反馈给关爱热线主管或经理。 4.         Check all the equipment in Careline Centre all the time to ensure smooth operation: paging system, fax machine, voice mail system, FCS system, etc. Keep the Careline centre clean and tidy to ensure that all the staff may work in a comfortable environment. 时刻关注关爱热线各项设施设备的运转是否正常,如传呼系统,语音留言,FCS 系统等。保证关爱热线的清洁干净,为员工提供一个相对舒适的工作环境。 5.         Reviews VIP arrival and ensures proper handling of VIPs and groups. 关注VIP预抵及团队客人. 6.         Takes an active role in the team by being kind, cooperative, helpful and never forgetting the person behind the guest. 积极的工作,友好的为客人提供服务。 7.         Actively takes part in training where and when required, attending formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure standards and develop skills and abilities. 积极地参加职业培训,保证工作能力 8.         Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供建议,有创新精神,为顾客提供品质服务。 9.         Greets all guests communications with a warm tone, ensuring that they feel welcomed and appreciated when contacting the hotel. 交流的时候热情的语调和所有宾客问候,让他们觉得受到酒店的欢迎。 10.     Transfers all internal and external guest calls to the appropriate party correctly, with minimal delay. 及时准确的为国内外宾客转接电话。 11.     Handles and delivers messages in a confidential and professional manner, maintaining guests privacy and integrity of the message, and ensuring that the message is accurate and delivered to the guest in a prompt and timely manner. 准确及时的为客人传递信息,确保顾客隐私。 12.     Maintains the integrity of the hotels information by not providing confidential or privacy invasive information about guests or the hotel. Maintains the integrity of the guests privacy at all times and adheres to Hilton Brand Standards for communication. 遵循Hilton品牌标准,保护客人隐私,防止酒店数据泄露。 13.     Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Duty Manager or Guest Relations Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知关爱热线经理或宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 14.     Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences 维护客户资料和详细信息 15.     Ensures that VIP guests are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 确保VIP客人的待遇。 16.     Inputs information in to Fidelio regarding guests, ensuring accuracy and that all details are completed and that the information can be clearly understood by other team members. 将顾客信息录入酒店管理系统,确保团队成员能清晰的看懂。 17.     Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting. 遵循希尔顿品牌标准。 18.     Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other properties in China. 了解酒店及希尔顿集团的基本概况。 19.     Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 20.     Effectively communicates, coordinates and cooperates with Housekeeping, F&B, Engineering and  IT. 与餐饮部,客房部,工程部,IT等进行有效的联络。 21.     Reports problems with hotel systems, hardware or facilities to the appropriate party and follows up to ensure that corrective action has been taken. 对酒店设施设备的非正常运转予以及时报告,并跟进直至问题解决。 22.     Carries out administrative duties of the department where required, including typing, printing, binding, and filing. 如有需要,完成部门的行政任务,包括打字复印,装订等。 23.     Has knowledge and understanding of basic computer application and their use, that can effectively demonstrated. 能熟练的掌握和运用电脑。 24.     Passes on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Attends daily briefings, shift handovers, meetings and reads the log book on a daily basis. 确保信息有效的传达到人,及时解决问题让客人满意,参加每日必须的会议等。 25.     Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activities in order to be informed. 警惕商业竞争行为,并及时上报。 26.     Correctly posts charges for telephone charges and the business centre, as well as manage the hotels communication system to ensure that there is no loss of revenue. 准确收取电话和商务中心费用, 连同处理酒店沟通制度,确保酒店应得收入。 27.     Must be fully familiar with emergency contingency plans/safety and responsibilities relating to specific positions. 熟悉火灾等突发情况的预警措施并严格按照酒店的相关规章制度予以执行。 28.     The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment. 如有必要 ,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 29.     Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 前厅接待

    雅安 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 节日礼物
    • 美女多
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 05-10
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责     (1)受理电话、互联网等不同形式的客房预定,将订房资料录进电脑并传达给相关部门和岗位。 (2)处理销售部或其他部门发来的预定单。 (3)及时按工作标准及程序进行预定变更,取消等数据处理。 (4)检查、核实当日及近几日抵达酒店的预定信息,做好预定预备工作。 (5)为客人办理入住登记手续,安排房间,尽可能满足客人的合理需求。 (6)为客人办理换房、加床、续住、退房结账等手续。 (7)负责保管、制作和发放客房钥匙卡。 (8)保持前台清洁整洁,检查所需表格、文具和宣传品是否齐全,并报告部门主管。 (9)认真核对上一个班次输进电脑的客人资料,及时正确地输进当班的客人资料。 (10)按规定登记、录进和发送境外客人户籍资料。 (11)认真细致做好班次交接工作,保证工作的延续性。 (12)灵活处理顾客投诉并安抚客人情绪,解决不了的问题及时报上级领导及值班经理。 (13)完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 岗位条件 (1)遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律,拥护党的路线、方针、政策,具有良好的道德品行,无违法、违纪等不良记录。 (2)20-35岁,身高:男1.7米以上,女1.60米以上,身体健康、精力充沛,五官端正、仪表端庄。 (3)具有中专或高中以上学历,具有1年以上酒店前台同类工作经验。 (4)能熟练运用电脑办公软件。 (5)具有良好的沟通能力及应急事件处理能力,工作主动、热情、认真,责任心强。
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Greets and registers guests , providing prompt and courteous service . Checks guests out of the hotel . Resolves guest challenges throughout their stay in our hotel . Upgrades promotes hotel services amenities and upsells products to the guests . 热情友好的问候客人,确保提供高效一致的服务。对入住期间的各种需求和问题予以快速解决,销售酒店各项产品确保利润最大化。 1.         Completes the registration process by inputting and retrieving information from a computer system , confirming pertinent information including number of guests and room rate . Makes appropriate selection of rooms based on guest needs . Codes electronic keys . Non –verbally confirms the room number and rate . Promotes and administers Hilton Marketing programs such as Hilton Honors , for arriving guests . Ensures guests knows location of room , containing room keys , tokens of our appreciation ,gifts , etc ,to guest . 根据预订优质快速的为客人办理入住手续,确认相关信息,如:房价,人数等,依客人喜好予以排房。向客人介绍酒店各种宣传促销活动及推销希尔顿荣誉客会给非会员,吸引新会员的加入。指引去房间的方向并解释房卡的使用方法,向客人分发礼物等。 2.         Ensures rooms and services are correctly accounted for within guest statement Properly accounts for service provided by the hotel. Assists guests with check out payments or charges . Accepts and records vouchers, credit, traveler’s checks and other forms of payment , converts foreign currency at current posted rates . 确保入住期间的各项需求能有效满足,帮助客人办理外币兑换及结帐手续。接收现金,信用卡,旅行支票,公司或第三方付费等付款方式。 3.         Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome. Uses a positive and clear speaking voice , listens to understands requests , responds with appropriate action and provide accurate information such on outlet hours , special VIP programs , events , etc . 热情友好的问候客人,对客人的合理需求予以积极恰当的回应。准确提供各种信息如:酒店营业场所的营业时间及VIP促销计划等。 4.         Receives special requests from guests , and responds appropriately or forwards requests to appropriate team members for decisions and actions. 对自己权限范围内不能予以解决的问题和需求,及时反馈给相应部门和人员予以解决。 5.         Promptly answers the telephone and email inquires . inputs messages into the computer and advises other team members of special guest needs . retrieves messages and communicates the content to the guest . Retrieves mail , packages and facsimiles or other special items for customers as requested . 礼貌的接听所有来电,及时恰当的处理各种邮件、传真和包裹,对于客人的特殊要求予以交接班。 6.         Fields guest complaints , conducting thorough research to develop the most effective solutions and negotiate results . Listens and extends assistance in order to resolve problems such as price conflicts , insufficient heating or air conditioning , etc . Remains calm and alert especially during emergency situations and heavy hotel activity . Plans and implements detailed steps by using experienced judgment and discretion . 沉着冷静的应对和处理各类客人投诉,如:客人对价格不满,空调或供暖系统的不足等。 7.         Takes an active role in the team by being kind, cooperative, helpful and never forgetting the person behind the guest. 积极的工作,友好的为客人提供服务。 8.         Ensures that VIP guests who are to have their amenities replenished are done so according to convenient times for the guest.  To also ensure that rooms, hallways and back of house areas are free of dirty plates, cutlery and mess from the amenity items. 及时更换所需物品,方便客人。及时清理,确保房间,走廊等处的清洁。 9.         Actively takes part in training where and when required, attending formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure standards and develop skills and abilities. 积极参加所需的各种培训,提高工作能力。 10.     Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。 11.     Takes an active role in the Executive Floor team, ensuring effective communication and working as a team in order to reach goals and targets. 在团队中起到积极作用,有效的沟通,确保达到目标。 12.     Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive. 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。 13.     Checking-in guests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, HHonours and Frequent Flyer Number enquired about, and method of payment secured. 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。 14.     Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Duty Manager or Guest Relations Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知值班经理或宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 15.     Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation. 维护顾客档案和信息,确保预订的有效性和准确性。 16.     Ensures that VIP guests are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 确保VIP客人个性化服务待遇。 17.     Assists the Guest Service Manager by blocking rooms according the guests preferences. 协助宾客服务经理按客人喜好分配房间。 18.     Facilitate the operation of the VIP gift amenity menu, by offering it to guests, and ensuring that VIP’s receive their chosen amenity item. 提供VIP宾客礼遇的单页,确保宾客享用到所有礼遇。 19.     Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate guests. 协销售,预定和业务发展团队共同为公司客人提供服务。 20.     Promotes HHonours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing HHonours members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received. 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 21.     To set-up meal period displays, ensuring the correct quality and quantity of food and beverage items, as well as attention to detail in order to promote the hotels daily offerings. 确保餐饮的数量与质量,注重细节。 22.     Carries out ticket reconfirmation, safari bookings and makes guest reservations when required. 如有需求,帮助客人完成机票确认和旅行预订等。 23.     Ensures a prompt and efficient departure, by settling guests accounts as per billing and reservation instructions and ensuring that all guests folios are correct. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 24.     Inputs information in to Fidelio regarding guests, ensuring accuracy and that all details are completed and that the information can be clearly understood by other team members. 将准确完整的信息录入酒店管理系统,以便大家分享。 25.     Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting. 遵循希尔顿品牌标准。 26.     Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other properties in China. 掌握希尔顿酒店集团的基本概况。 27.     Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel.. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 28.     Effectively communicates, coordinates and cooperates with Housekeeping, F&B, Engineering and .IT 与餐饮部,客房部,工程部,IT等进行有效的沟通。 29.     Reports problems with hotel systems, hardware or facilities to the appropriate party and follows up to ensure that corrective action has been taken. 对酒店设施设备的非正常运转予以及时报告,并跟进直至问题解决。 30.     Passes on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Attends daily briefings, shift handovers, meetings and reads the log book on a daily basis. 确保信息的有效传递,尚未完成的事情逐一移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加日常例 会及其他会议。 31.     Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the reception are completed. Including but not limited to checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, and online back-up. 确保完成前台的任务,其中包括但不仅限于工作的监督,房间分配,报告,信用额度核对,电脑数据备份及主帐的核对等。 32.     Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activities in order to be informed. 警惕商业竞争行为,并及时上报。 33.     Adheres to the hotel selling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrity by offering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests. 根据酒店价格政策销售酒店产品,确保价格的一致及透明。 34.     Complies with Health & Safety, Emergency Management, disaster Manual, and Fire procedures and regulations. Takes part in the fire team when and where directed. 按照健康安全,危机管理部门,灾难处理方法,救火程序执行。必要的时候加入救火。  35.     Provides safety deposit boxes to guests, ensuring that guests valuables are safe and secure at all times. 为客人提供保险箱,保证他们的财物安全。 36.     Follows up on outstanding accounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations. 跟进担保预订及付款方式,确保酒店收入。 37.     Maintains the efficiency of departure by checking all guests folios to ensure accuracy of charges. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 38.     Upsells rooms to higher room and rate categories, ensuring the maximum revenue generation from each guest. 促销高价房,确保利润最大化。 39.     Maintains awareness of sales opportunities within the hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards. 抓住商机,用合理的方式提高酒店收入,确保客人物有所值。 40.     Attempt to communicate with guest in guest’s native language , if applicable . 如有可能用客人的母语与其交流。 41.     Remains calm alert , especially during emergency and heavy hotel activity , and resolve complications such as location changes or credit issues . 成着冷静应对各种突发问题,如换房,信用额度等。 42.     The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment. 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 43.     Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 雅安 | 1年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
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    Provide leadership and guidance to Front Desk staff during the assigned shift to ensure consistent quality service is provided. 负责当值期间领导前台接待做好各种接待工作,提供一致高效的服务。 1.         Supervises front desk staff to insure smooth and efficient operation during the assigned shift . 督促管理当值期间前台接待工作,确保提供优质高效的服务。 2.         Answer the telephone calls friendly and retrieves mail, typing, scanning, binding, and facsimiles for customers as requested. 负责接听商务中心电话,处理客人传真,打印,装订,上网等事宜。 3.         Communicates effectively both orally and in writing to provide clear direction to staff. Assigns and instructs guest service agents in the details of work Observes performance and encourages improvement. 与员工有效的沟通,提供明确指示,关注员工的表现并给予激励。 4.         Uses creative management skills to solve guest and team member problems . Ensures compliance with company standards to ensure consistent high quality guest relations . 在遵循酒店规章制度,维持优质高效服务的基础上设法解决所有宾客及员工遇到的困难和问题。 5.         Manages desk , resolves guest concerns , handles emergencies and other challenges that may occur during the assigned shift . Implements resolutions by using discretion and judgment . 管理前台,用敏锐的判断力和决断力对当值期间的突发状况予以迅速解决。 6.         Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome , uses a positive and clear speaking voice , listens to and understands requests , issues and situations from both guests and team members.Regular attendance in conformance with the standards ,which may be established by Hilton from time to time , is essential to the successful performance of this position. Due to the cyclical nature of the hospitality industry , employees may be required to work varying schedules to reflect the business needs of the hotel . 友好诚挚的问候,耐心倾听,沟通并解决所有宾客与员工的困难和问题。在团队中起到表率作用,能应酒店需求调整工作时间。 7.         Supports and motivates front desk team members by leading by example and employing competent and consistent management practices. 通过训练及一致的管理,领导和激励团队员工。 8.         Actively takes part in training the team, supporting and leading formal training sessions and focusing on the job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard. Also attends training where and when required. 积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。 9.         Acts as a coach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strive for established targets. 做员工的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。 10.     Maintains discipline amongst team members, ensuring consistency in accordance with the team member handbook, Chinese Labour Law and HR guidelines. 确保员工手册,中国的劳动法,HR指南的一致性,必要的时候提供培训。 11.     Is involved with the development of high potential team members to ensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of their career. 培训部门高潜能员工,促进工作水平的提高及进一步的职业规划。 12.     Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。 13.     Responsible for the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their job and that they know what is expected of them. 简单易懂的培训新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,了解公司的期许与要求。 14.     Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive. 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。 15.     Checking-in guests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, HHonours and Frequent Flyer Number enquired about, and method of payment secured. 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。 16.     Ensuring that guests are escorted to their room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, and that luggage is delivered in a prompt manner. 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达。 17.     Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Guest Relations Manager or Guest Service Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知值班经理或宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 18.     Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation. 维护顾客档案和信息,确保预订的有效性和准确性。 19.     Acts as the first point of contact and liaison for VIP guests, ensuring that they are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 作为VIP客人最先联系到的部门,要确保他们的个性化服务。 20.     Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate.  协销售,预定和商业发展团队共同为客人提供服务。 21.     Promotes HHonours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing HHonours members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received. 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 22.     Allocates rooms in accordance to the guests reservation, preference and remarks, maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventory management. 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理。 23.     Ensures that guests profiles and information is input in to the Police Report system in a timely and accurate way. 确保宾客档案信息及时录入公安申报系统。 24.     Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting. 遵循希尔顿品牌标准。 25.     Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other properties in China. 掌握希尔顿酒店集团的基本概况。 26.     Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 27.     Ensures communication, coordination and cooperation between the front desk and other operating departments, specifically Housekeeping, F&B and Accounts. 确保前台和其他部门间的沟通交流,特别是客房部,餐饮部,财务部等。 28.     Maintains the hotel systems to ensure accuracy of information and data, and that it is easy to use and operated in an organized and systemized way. Also Ensures that the Front Desk equipment and systems are functioning at all times, and that the area is maintained in a clean, tidy and organized way. 维护酒店电脑系统信息数据的准确性,便于系统操作,确保前台运营设备的正常运转以及工作区域的整洁清洁。 29.     Passes on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Conducts daily briefings, shift handovers, attends meetings and effectively communicates information to team members. 确保信息的有效传递,尚未完成的事情逐一移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加日常例会及其他会议。 30.     Ensures that the Assistant Front Desk and Guest Service Managers are kept aware and up to date of operational issues. 汇报最新的工作进展,确保前厅副经理和宾客服务经理对部门营运状况的了解。 31.     Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the front desk are completed. Including but not limited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and rate discrepancies, and registration cards. 确保前台的日常管理,包括但不局限于工作的监督,房间分配,报告,信用额度核对,电脑数据备份及主帐的核对等。 32.     Checks Registration cards, meeting and function information, billing instructions, financial records and reservation backup to ensure that all information received is actioned upon. 核对入住登记表,会议及活动信息,预订备份等。 33.     Completes reports where and when requested, ensuring that they are complete and delivered on time to the respected party. 如有要求,提供完整的报告,并及时送至所需部门。 34.     Ensures that the front desk is kept stocked and maintained with requisitions and that par levels are maintained and stock tracked. 确保日常设设施备用品的维护保养和必需库存,所有物品记录有序。 35.     Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activities in order to be proactive and create market advantage. 警惕商业竞争行为, 促进积极的市场发展。 36.     Adheres to the hotel selling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrity by offering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests. 根据价格要求向客人提供相应物有所值的物品。 37.     Complies with Health & Safety, Emergency Management, disaster Manual, and Fire procedures and regulations. In the absence of the Guest Relations Manager, is a part of the Fire Team ands takes action accordingly. 按照健康安全,危机管理部门,灾难处理方法,救火程序执行。在宾客关系经理不在场的情况下,参与救助行动。   38.     Adheres strictly to standard cash handling procedures amongst team members, ensuring that all team members balance their float and drop the required amount. 严格遵守现金收付手续,确保所有收银员的现金帐目准确无误,收支平衡。 39.     Adheres to the company credit policy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred by guests. 收取现金,信用卡,代金券,公司或第三方付费等服务时要严格遵守酒店规定。 40.     Maintains safety deposit boxes, ensuring that guests valuables are safe and secure at all times. 为客人提供保险箱,保证他们的财物安全。 41.     Follows up on outstanding accounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations. 跟进担保预订及付款方式,确保酒店收入。 42.     Maintains the efficiency of departure by checking all guests folios to ensure accuracy of charges. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 43.     Manages costs effectively by minimizing and controlling expenses. 控制花费,节约成本。 44.     Maintains awareness of sales opportunities within the hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards. 抓住商机,用合理的方式提高酒店收入,确保客人感受到物有所值。 45.     Handles guest relocations as required . 帮助客人解决换房间事宜。 46.     The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment. 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 47.     Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责
  • 雅安 | 2年以上 | 大专



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:38
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    岗位职责 1、通过训练领导和激发团队员工。 2、其他经理不在的情况下,代替其他经理和总经理作为整个酒店的职责经理。 3、积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。 4、训导团队,提高员工水平,激励他们完成目标。 5、确保员工手册,相关劳动法,HR指南的一致性,如有违反,纪律处分。 6、根据酒店标准,进行每年一次的1:1的个人发展回顾,确保对员工进行公平客观的描述,以便为员工提供继续发展的平台。 7、训练和发展有潜力的员工,令其有更好的职业前景。 8、致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供建议,有创新精神,为顾客提供品质服务。 9、负责新员工的培训,使其尽快胜任工作,并告知酒店的要求。 10、及时有效的和宾客沟通,确保给顾客及时的答复。每个客人的投诉要求必须要在二十四小时内解决。 11、登记客人,确保客人信息完整填写并确认,按照酒店荣誉会员和飞行里程会员的要求服务和发展会员,同时确认付款方式。 12、将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时递送等。 13、采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知其他宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 14、关注客户信息和喜好,确保满足客人的要求。15、作为接待VIP客人的酒店员工,要确保为客人提供人性化服务。 16、按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,控制房间。 17、确保为会员顾客提供优质专业的服务,发展客人加入会员。 18、和销售,预定和商业发展团队共同为客人提供服务 19、及时准确的将客人的信息录入公安报告系统。 20、遵循酒店品牌标准。 21、了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 22、确保前台和其他部门间的沟通交流,特别是客房部,餐饮部等。 24、持酒店数据的准确,便于操作。维持前台设备的正常运做和工作区域的清洁。 25、及时将信息传递至相关人员,确保尚未完成的事情移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加必要的会议并阅 岗位要求 1、保持和供应商的良好关系 2、保证向酒店内部和外部客人提供高质量的服务 3、维护酒店设施设备的正常运转 4、保持工作环境整洁 5、达到绿色酒店的要求 6、编辑更新工作标准和程序
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    This position is concerned with supervisor role over all Front Office team members within the hotel and a liaison role with all other departments. 此职位工作的职能对于前厅部的员工来说所扮演的是主管的角色,而对于其他部门则充当是一个联络员的角色。 1. Communicates effectively both orally and in writing to provide clear direction to team member. Observes performance and encourages improvement. Interviews, selects, trains, supervises, evaluates, counsels, and administers disciplinary procedures for front office team member. Monitors lobby traffic and makes team Memering adjustments as required. 与员工有效的沟通,提供明确指示,关注员工的表现并给予激励。依相关程序面试,挑选,培训,督导,评估,管理前厅部所有员工。留意大堂交通状况,根据需求进行人员调配。 2. Reviews VIP reservations and ensures proper handling of VIPs and groups, administers amenity orders, and resumes for incoming guests. Updates system by inputting inventory and non-inventory groups. Monitors special reservation requests handling and oversees rate changes on in-house guests. 关注VIP及有特殊要求的预订,及时更新系统相关信息,确保VIP及团队预订的良好运作。监督住店客人房价变更情况。 3. Computes daily payroll, schedules, and other reports. Analyses data and makes decisions based on prior experiences and knowledge of circumstances to prepare daily and weekly forecast of expected arrivals and departures. 关注VIP及有特殊要求的预订,及时更新系统相关信息,确保VIP及团队预订的良好运作。监督住店客人房价变更情况。 4.  Manages front office team member, resolves guest concerns, and implements resolutions by using discretion and judgment. 对前台进行日常管理,用敏锐的判断力和决断力解决客户的问题。 5.Leads and motivates team members by leading by example and employing competent and consistent management practices. 通过训练及一致的管理,领导和激励团队员工。 6.Takes responsibility of the hotel as the Duty Manager in the absence of the Assistant Front Office / Front Office Manager. 在前厅部副经理/前厅部经理不在的情况下,作为值班经理负起责任。 7. Actively takes part in training the team, facilitating formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard. Also attends training where and when required. 积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。 8. Acts as a coach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strive for established targets. 做队员的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。 9. Maintains discipline amongst team members, ensuring consistency in accordance with the team member handbook, Chinese Labour Law and HR guidelines. Distributes appropriate discipline when and where required. 确保员工手册,相关劳动法,HR相关政策的一致性,必要的时候提供培训。 10. Conducts PDR’s, 1:1 meetings throughout the year, ensuring that the feedback given to team members is fair, unbiased and provides a platform for continued improvement, according to the Hilton standards. 根据希尔顿PDR标准,进行1:1的面谈,确保对每个员工的公平,为员工提供继续发展的平台。 11.Is involved with succession planning and development of high potential team members to ensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of their career. 培训部门高潜能员工,促进工作水平的提高及进一步的职业规划。 12. Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests. 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。 13.Responsible for the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their job and that they know what is expected of them. 简单易懂的培训新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,了解公司的期许与要求。 14.Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive. 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。 15. Checking-in guests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, Hilton Honours and Frequent Flyer Number enquire about, and method of payment secured. 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。 16.Ensuring that guests are escorted to their room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, and that luggage is delivered in a prompt manner. 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达等。 17. Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Guest Relations Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知值班经理或宾客关系经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。 18. Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation. 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达。 19.Acts as the first point of contact and liaison for VIP guests, ensuring that they are treated personally and recognized as an individual. 作为VIP客人最先联系到的部门,要确保他们的个性化服务。 20. Allocates rooms in accordance to the guests reservation, preference and remarks, maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventory management. 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理。 21. Promotes Honours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existing Honours members receive personal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits are received. 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。 22. Liaises with Sales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate. 协同销售,预订及业务发展团队共同为客人提供服务。. 23. Ensures that guests profiles and information is input in to the Police Report system in a timely and accurate way. 确保宾客档案信息及时录入公安申报系统。 24.  Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting. 遵循希尔顿品牌服务标准并贯彻到实际的运作当中。 25. Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other properties in China. 掌握希尔顿酒店集团的基本概况。 26. Is up to date with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sights and activities in and around hotel. 了解酒店周边地区的最新信息,名胜,风景地等,为顾客提供方便。 27. Ensures communication, coordination and cooperation between the front desk and other operating departments, specifically Housekeeping, F&B and Accounts. 确保前台和其他部门间的沟通交流,特别是客房部,餐饮部和财务部等。 28. Maintains the hotel systems to ensure accuracy of information and data, and that it is easy to use and operated in an organized and system way. Also Ensures that the Front Desk equipment and systems are functioning at all times, and that the area is maintained in a clean, tidy and organized way. 维护酒店电脑系统信息数据的准确性,便于系统操作,确保前台运营设备的正常运转以及工作区域的整洁清洁。 29.  Passes on information effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Conducts daily briefings, shift handovers, attends meetings and effectively communicates information to team members. 确保信息的有效传递,尚未完成的事情逐一移交至有关人员,让宾客满意。参加日常例会及其他会议。 30. Ensures that the Front Office Manager is kept aware and up to date of operational issues. 汇报最新的工作进展,确保前厅经理对整个部门营运状况的了解。 31. Ensures that the day-to-day functions of the front desk are completed. Including but not limited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limit checks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters, Discount and rate discrepancies, and registration cards. 确保完成每日的任务,包括核对,报告,信用额度核对,网上备份等。 32. Checks Registration cards, meeting and function information, billing instructions, financial records and reservation backup to ensure that all information received is action-ed upon. 核对入住登记表,会议及活动信息,预订备份等。 33. Completes reports where and when requested, ensuring that they are complete and delivered on time to the respected party. 如有要求,提供完整的报告,并及时送至所需部门。 34. Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activities in order to be proactive and create market advantage. 警惕商业竞争行为,促进积极的市场发展。 35. Adheres to the hotel selling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrity by offering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests. 根据价格要求向客人提供相应物有所值的物品。 36. Complies with Health & Safety, Emergency Management, disaster Manual, and Fire procedures and regulations. Is a part of the Fire Team ands takes action accordingly. 按照健康安全,危机管理部门,灾难处理方法,救火程序执行。成为救火的一部分参与行动。   37.     Adheres strictly to standard cash handling procedures amongst team members, ensuring that all team members balance their float and drop the required amount. 严格遵守现金收付手续。 38. Adheres to the company credit policy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred by guests. 收取现金,信用卡,代金券,公司或第三方付费等服务时要严格遵守酒店规定。 39. Follows up on outstanding accounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations. 跟进担保预订及付款方式,确保酒店收入。 40. Maintains the efficiency of departure by checking all guests folios to ensure accuracy of charges. 确保所有帐单消费的精准性,为客人提供高效快捷的结帐服务。 41. Manages costs effectively by minimizing and controlling expenses. 控制花费,节约成本。 42. Managers and approves rebates, refunds and discounts where applicable. 视情况给予必要的折扣,反款和优惠。 43. Maintains awareness of sales opportunities within the hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards. 抓住商机,用合理的方式提高酒店收入,确保客人感受到物有所值。 44.Adhere to the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures. 坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序。 45.The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment. 如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 46.Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
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    • 投递简历
    Responsibilities 工作职能 1.         To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。 2.         To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 保持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 3.         To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance.  具有积极合作的精神, 以极其热心的态度对待所有的工作,并且乐于借助一切机会学习新技能以便于改进自己的工作表现。 4.         To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested of you.  具有极强的应变能力, 反映迅速并以积极的态度面对要求的改变,包括任何工作要求的改变。 5.         To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals.  具有极强的团队精神, 通过合作及对同事工作的支持达到团队的目标。 6.         To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel.  能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 7.         To actively promote the services and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the Hotel.  能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 8.         To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 9.         Cleans up to (11) rooms in a 8-hour shift, ensuring all standards of lay out and cleanliness are that of Hilton laid down policy. 在8小时工作时间内清扫(11)间客房,确保所有客房达到希尔顿酒店制订的政策。 10.     Ensure all equipment is kept clean and in working condition at all times. 确保所有设备保持良好状态。 11.     To clean rooms and bathrooms, performing any combination of the following duties: To vacuum the carpet and upholstered furniture. To dust and damp wipes furniture. To empty the ashtrays and wastebaskets. To make beds. To wash sink, bathtub, toilet, towels, mirrors and floors. To polish bright work.  清理打扫房间,这主要包括: 吸尘、擦抹家具、清理垃圾、做床、清理 面盆、浴缸、   马桶、毛巾、镜子和地面、抹尘等 12.     To check room status. 检查房态。 13.     To replenish bathroom supplies and room supplies. 为房间补足酒水与日用消耗品。 14.     To fill out room attendant’s daily report. 填写客房服务员每日报表。 15.     To receive and deliver guests’ laundries. 为客人收取或递送洗衣。 16.     To place items requested by guests such as cots, cribs, bed-boards, transformers or hair dryers etc. 依据客人具体要求放置婴儿床,加床板,变压器,吹风机等。 17.     To report DO NOT DISTURB rooms. 将“请勿打扰”房间汇报给楼层主管。 18.     To give turn down service. 提供开夜床服务。 19.     Reports to Floor Supervisor any maintenance problems that arise. 向楼层主管报告任何所发现的维修问题。 20.     Reports any suspicious persons, packages or activities to Security immediately. 及时向保卫部报告任何可疑人物、包裹或事件。 21.     Answers guest questions when possible, if unsure refer guest to Assistant Manager. 尽量回答客人的提问,若不能肯定则应引导客人去大堂副理处。 22.     Ensure all lost property is handed to housekeeping immediately. 保证及时上交客房部所发现的遗失财物。 23.      Ensure personal appearance and hygiene is in accordance with Hilton policy. 确保个人仪表和仪容符合希尔顿酒店政策要求。
  • 雅安 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.         To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。        2.         To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 保持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 3.         To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 4.         To actively promote the service and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 5.         To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 9.       Creating an environment where everyone in the department is focus on “creating that special experience” to deliver exceptional customer service. 建立一种每个员工都关注如何能为客人创造“一次特殊经历”,提供非凡客户服务的工作环境。 10.     Actively seeking verbal feedback from customers and team member at each service period. 在服务期间积极收集客人及服务人员的反馈。 11.     Agreeing and implementing actions to make improvements to customer service. 就如何改进对客服务采取相应的措施。 6.         Positively dealing with and learning from customer complaints and comments with follow up and feedback to the Food and Beverage Manager. 以积极的态度处理客人的投诉及建议,并把必要的信息反馈给餐饮部经理。 12.     Making sure all customer requests and queries are responded to promptly and effectively while assisting on the floor during meal periods each day. 在服务时间内以积极的态度,高效、准确的定位及满足客人要求及需要。 13.     Be available to assist on duty in the Restaurant & Bars during any busy days or special events. 当餐厅或酒吧繁忙的时候提供必要的帮助。 14.     Be Pro-Active towards guests, assisting them with any reasonable requests, and training all team member to see these things before the guests ask. 积极主动的为客人服务,满足客人任何合理要求,并且培训员工能够预见客人的需求。 15.   To ensure all standards for Service Delivery as identified in the Guest Satisfaction Manual and the Standard Operating and Procedures Manual are consistently delivered throughout the department. 确保在对客服务指南,标准服务手册中的所有标准都能够在整个部门持续有效的贯彻。 16.   Having detailed knowledge of all departmental Standards. 熟悉部门服务标准。 17.   Being able to explain the standards to the team members and managers. 可以清楚的向其他员工解释服务标准。 18.   Be able to assess team member performance against standards. 能够按照服务标准评估其他员工的工作表现。 19.   Ensure that training on Departmental Standards is regularly conducted in the outlets. 确保日常部门的培训能够按照服务标准进行。 20.   Monitoring Standards through regular Standards Review checks. 通过反复检查,督导服务标准的实施工作。 21.   Developing action plans to address shortfalls in Standards and identifying shortfalls before they affect customer service. 针对工作中的不足制定计划,以避免影响对客服务质量。 22.   Implementing and following though improvements identified. 针对于工作中的不足采取必要的行动。 23.   To plan, priorities organize and control the day-to-day operation. 计划,确定优先次序,组织及控制每日餐厅的运营。 24.   Preparing rosters and job schedules for team member to meet business needs (taking into consideration internal activities and occupancy and external events, promotions etc). 制定每位员工的排班表及工作安排。(考虑内部活动,客人入住率, 特殊活动及产品促销等) 25.   Communicating effectively with Front Office and Groups & Tours to maximise in house and group business for the restaurant, ensuring direct liaison with Group Leaders upon arrival. 有效的与前台及团队领队协调,尽可能的增加餐厅生意,与领队保持直接联系。 26.   To describe, assign and delegate duties and authority for the operation of the Restaurant at all times. 分配, 指派,组织授权餐厅日常的经营工作。 27.   Understanding what’s going on in other departments and implications for your owndepartment. 了解酒店其他部门的经营活动及其与自己部门的影响。 28.   Planning ahead and ensuring adequate resources are available. 预先准备并确保各种经营设施设备的充足。 29.   Managing the departmental operation and taking action where necessary to ensure smooth running and participating in service duties during service periods, where necessary. 有效管理部门运作,为保证服务及餐厅的正常运营采取必要的措施。 30.   To co-ordinate with Engineering and Housekeeping Departments to ensure maintenance and cleanliness. Ensure follow-up procedures are maintained. 与客房部及工程部通力合作,保证部门设施的完好及清洁。 31.   Ensuring the shift is reviewed and handovers and briefings are carried out. 确认每个班次之间做好总结,并与下个班次进行工作交接。 32.   Maintaining in-depth technical knowledge and skills required for the job. 确保岗位所需知识的更新。 33.   Maintain event and function histories to assist with returning events. 保留餐厅活动记录。 34.   To establish good communication with the Kitchen team. 与厨房的员工建立良好的沟通渠道。 35.   To participate in future menu changes with the F&B Manager and the Executive Chef taking into consideration new F&B trends, market demands and sales achievements. 协助餐饮部经理及行政总厨根据餐饮发展趋势,适当需求及销售情况进行餐厅菜单的修改。. 36.   To attend & participate in regular F&B, operational & roster meetings. 参加餐饮部例会。 37.   To provide and communicate clear direction to the team. 为团队提供正确的信息渠道 38.     Understanding the aims of the hotel and the department’s role in achieving it. 理解酒店的目标,清楚部门在完成目标过程中所扮演的角色。 39.     Communicating aims to the team. 与团队沟通要达到的目标。
  • 雅安 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    This position is concerned with the efficient and professional service of food and beverages within the Restaurant, ensuring that the restaurant returns a budgeted profit through tight cost and Stock control. Direct supervision of team member is necessary, while ensuring that all guests receive optimum service in accordance with the standards, policies and procedures of Hilton Zhengzhou. 餐厅主管的职位要求能够提供专业快捷的服务。通过成及库存控制来获得计划盈利。直接督导员工的工作,通过遵守餐厅和本酒店的规章制度以确保为客人提供符合标准的完美服务。 1.         To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。        2.         To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 保持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 3.      To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 4.         To actively promote the service and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 5.         To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 6.         Confidently knowing the food and beverage menu contents and be able to explain them in detail to guests. 熟悉掌握菜单及饮料单上的内容,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。 7.         Understand dietary requirements and offer appropriate suggestions. 了解健康食品的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。 8.         In consultation with the Manager, agreeing and implementing actions to make improvements to customer service. 与经理商讨,并做到如何提高对客服务意识,达成一致标准并采取相应的行动。 9.         By completing checklist in product knowledge. 能够达到产品知识的要求。 10.     Be able to make suggestions on the menu that might suit guests of different nationalities. 可以根据不同国籍的客人推荐菜单上的食品。 11.     By knowing menu items of all other outlets to recommend guests to other outlets. 了解其他餐厅的菜肴,以便向客人推荐。 12.     Confidently knowing opening hours of all restaurants & Hotel outlets. 熟悉所有餐厅及酒店其他部门的营业时间。 13.     Being able to recommend other restaurants & city attractions to Hotel guests. 可以向客人推荐其它具有吸引力的餐厅或场所。 14.     To actively check team member product knowledge on each shift. 在工作中随时检查员工的产品知识。 15.     Undertake steps/process to ensure that all areas of the restaurant are set are set to the standards required for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  This also includes checking the cashier desk set-up& communicating with the Chefs about any details for the shift including how many reservations for the day. 遵守服务程序,保证餐厅的各个区域都符合早餐、午餐及晚餐的服务标准。其中包括收银台的准备工作,及和厨师交流,餐厅预定的详细情况。 16.     Check reservations for the day, ensuring that the restaurant & team member have tables ready and large bookings have been confirmed by phone. 检查餐厅当天预定,保证员工能够按照预定准备及正确摆台,做好相应的准备,并能致电确认预定。 17.     By assisting bartenders & kitchen team member where required and carry out any reasonable duties requested by the Manager. 在必要的时候协助酒吧及厨房的同事,并完成经理交代的任务。 18.     By ensuring all team member is briefed for the details of the shift ahead. 确保所有员工提前了解换班的详细安排。 19.     By completing checklist on preparing the restaurant for service. 完成账单检查表以准备餐厅服务。 20.     Greet guests with a smile, offer assistance with coats, bags etc., and introduce yourself. 微笑服务,协助顾客就座、挂外套及背包等,并做自我介绍。 21.     Ensure all guests are escorted to a table, asked if they would prefer smoking or non smoking. 保证客人都被引领入座并询问他们喜欢吸烟区或非吸烟区。 22.     Follow up any guest questions or queries immediately and if you don’t know the answer, check with your F&B Manager. 满足客人的各项要求,如不能立即回答客人的问题请与餐饮部经理联系。 23.     Ensure all service procedures are carried out to the standards required. 确保所有服务都符合标准。 24.     Make sure all areas are cleaned and maintained in accordance with operating procedure. 确保所有区域与开始用餐时一样整洁。 25.     To supervise the restaurant roster on a daily basis and ensure it is in line with the changing business levels. Make any changes in order to achieve the F&B Team service standards and budget goals. 在生意变化的基础上调整员工排班,做任何变化要确保餐饮部服务质量及预算。 26.     Control the allocated labor for each shift to ensure that customer expectations are met whilst achieving the desired labor cost. 控制每个人员的分配,以确保顾客的期望得到满足而达到预期的人员成本。 27.     Assist F&B managers with training all team member for ‘induction training’ and ‘on the job training’. 协助餐饮部经理进行就职培训,及在职培训。 28.     Offer team member constructive feedback about their performance after every shift in an aim to develop their skills and confidence. 为提高员工的工作技能及自信心,在每个班次的工作之后总结他们的工作表现。 29.     Provide leadership and direction for all team member while on duty by offering professional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为餐厅的其他员工树立良好榜样。 30.     Ensuring the shift is reviewed and hand-over and briefings are carried out. 确保每个班次的回顾,交接班及例会的召开。 31.     Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 雅安 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1. To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。        2. To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 保持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 3. To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 4. To actively promote the service and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 5. To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 9.Creating an environment where everyone in the department is focus on “creating that special experience” to deliver exceptional customer service. 建立一种每个员工都关注如何能为客人创造“一次特殊经历”,提供非凡客户服务的工作环境。 10. Actively seeking verbal feedback from customers and team member at each service period. 在服务期间积极收集客人及服务人员的反馈。 11. Agreeing and implementing actions to make improvements to customer service. 就如何改进对客服务采取相应的措施。 6. Positively dealing with and learning from customer complaints and comments with follow up and feedback to the Food and Beverage Manager. 以积极的态度处理客人的投诉及建议,并把必要的信息反馈给餐饮部经理。 12.Making sure all customer requests and queries are responded to promptly and effectively while assisting on the floor during meal periods each day. 在服务时间内以积极的态度,高效、准确的定位及满足客人要求及需要。 13.Be available to assist on duty in the Restaurant & Bars during any busy days or special events. 当餐厅或酒吧繁忙的时候提供必要的帮助。 14.Be Pro-Active towards guests, assisting them with any reasonable requests, and training all team member to see these things before the guests ask. 积极主动的为客人服务,满足客人任何合理要求,并且培训员工能够预见客人的需求。 15.To ensure all standards for Service Delivery as identified in the Guest Satisfaction Manual and the Standard Operating and Procedures Manual are consistently delivered throughout the department. 确保在对客服务指南,标准服务手册中的所有标准都能够在整个部门持续有效的贯彻。 16.Having detailed knowledge of all departmental Standards. 熟悉部门服务标准。 17.Being able to explain the standards to the team members and managers. 可以清楚的向其他员工解释服务标准。 18.Be able to assess team member performance against standards. 能够按照服务标准评估其他员工的工作表现。 19.Ensure that training on Departmental Standards is regularly conducted in the outlets. 确保日常部门的培训能够按照服务标准进行。 20.Monitoring Standards through regular Standards Review checks. 通过反复检查,督导服务标准的实施工作。 21.Developing action plans to address shortfalls in Standards and identifying shortfalls before they affect customer service. 针对工作中的不足制定计划,以避免影响对客服务质量。 22.Implementing and following though improvements identified. 针对于工作中的不足采取必要的行动。 23.To plan, priorities organize and control the day-to-day operation. 计划,确定优先次序,组织及控制每日餐厅的运营。 24.Preparing rosters and job schedules for team member to meet business needs (taking into consideration internal activities and occupancy and external events, promotions etc). 制定每位员工的排班表及工作安排。(考虑内部活动,客人入住率, 特殊活动及产品促销等) 25.Communicating effectively with Front Office and Groups & Tours to maximise in house and group business for the restaurant, ensuring direct liaison with Group Leaders upon arrival. 有效的与前台及团队领队协调,尽可能的增加餐厅生意,与领队保持直接联系。 26.To describe, assign and delegate duties and authority for the operation of the Restaurant at all times. 分配,指派,组织授权餐厅日常的经营工作。
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:38
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    职位描述 . 熟知当天订餐情况,注意记录宾客的特别活动(如生日庆祝会),应及时向主管汇报。 2. 替宾客存取保管衣物,并询问有无贵重物品,贵重物品提醒宾客自行保管。 3. 迎接宾客,引导宾客到预订台位或宾客满意的台位。 4. 客满时,负责安排好后到的宾客,使宾客乐于等位。 5. 随时注意听取宾客的意见,及时向上级反映。 6. 随时注意在接待工作中的各种问题,及时向上级反映和协助处理。 7. 掌握和运用礼貌语言,负责接听电话,宾客电话订餐应问清楚基本信息。 8. 向客人介绍餐厅各式菜点、各种饮品和特式菜点,吸引宾客来餐厅就餐。 岗位要求 1.大专毕业或具有同等学历,经过餐饮服务培训 2.有熟练的服务技能技巧和一定的应变能力,能妥善处理服务中出现的一般性问题。 3.掌握餐厅服务规程,了解餐厅各种菜肴的基本特点和简单的烹制方法。 4.工作主动、热情、认真,责任心较强。 5.身体健康(女,身高1.65米以上)仪表端庄大方。
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    This position is concerned with the efficient and professional service of food and beverages, while ensuring guests receive optimum service in accordance with the standards, policies and procedures of this hotel and Hilton International. 本职位要求在餐厅服务的服务人员能为客人提供有效率以及专业的服务,在符合国际希尔顿服务标准的前提下保证向客人提供周到的服务,令客人感到舒适满意。 1.        To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。      2.        To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues. 持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 3.     To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 4.        To actively promote the service and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 5.        To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 6.        Confidently knowing the food and beverage menu contents and be able to explain them in detail to guests. 熟悉掌握菜单及饮料单上的内容,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。 7.        Understand dietary requirements and offer appropriate suggestions. 了解健康食品的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。 8.        By completing checklist in product knowledge. 能够达到产品知识的要求。 9.        Be able to make suggestions on the menu that might suit guests of different nationalities. 可以根据不同国籍的客人推荐菜单上的食品。 10.    By knowing menu items of all other outlets to recommend guests to other outlets. 了解其他餐厅的菜肴,以便向客人推荐。 11.    Confidently knowing opening hours of all restaurants & Hotel outlets. 熟悉所有餐厅及酒店其他部门的营业时间。 12.    Being able to recommend other restaurants & city attractions to Hotel guests. 可以向客人推荐其它具有吸引力的餐厅或场所。 13.    By completing checklist on preparing the restaurant for service. 在餐厅备餐的过程中严格遵守服务标准。 14.    Greet guests with a smile, offer assistance with coats, bags etc., and introduce yourself. 微笑服务,协助顾客就座、挂外套及背包等,并做自我介绍。 15.    Ensure all guests are escorted to a table, asked if they would prefer smoking or non smoking. 保证客人都被引领入座并询问他们喜欢吸烟区或非吸烟区。 16.    Follow up any guest questions or queries immediately and if you don’t know the answer, check with your Manager. 满足客人的各项要求,如不能立即回答客人的问题请与经理联系。 17.    Ensure all service procedures are carried out to the standards required. 确保所有服务都符合标准。 18.    Make sure all areas are cleaned and maintained in accordance with operating procedure. 确保所有区域与开始用餐时一样整洁。 19.    Take personal responsibility for the service experience of all guests in your designated area. 服务时对所有客人尽职责。 20.    Smile & wish all guests a nice greeting as they enter & exit the restaurant, even if they are not designated to your section. 在客人进入或离开餐厅是都面带微笑并问候客人,无论在任何服务区内。 21.    Give guest service the highest priority. 将服务客人放在首位。 22.    Display professional behavior at all times. 在工作过程中始终体现职业素质。 23.    Avoid offensive or impolite language. 避免使用冒犯或不礼貌的语言。 24.    Report any accidents/incidents to the Supervisor /Manager. 向上一级主管、经理汇报发生的任何事故。 25.    Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 厨师长

    雅安 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-24
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.负责项目筹开、日常运营以及厨房行政事务。 2.负责所在厨房管理工作,积极开创新菜品,制定及优化厨房的生产服务流程。 3.负责督导并带领厨师按照工作程序及标准做好开餐准备和成品离厨的审核及把关。 4.具有厨房原材物料丰富的管理经验,严格控制菜品成本和毛利率。 5.检查督导做好食品卫生、环境卫生及安全工作。 6.负责做好员餐,把控员餐成本。 7.熟悉中西式烹调,有出色的烹饪技术。 8.完成领导交办的其他任务。
  • 雅安 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.   Prepares food for guests and team members efficiently, economically, and hygienically as per the standard recipes following the standards and procedures. 为客人和员工高效率的提供食物,做到物美价廉,要按照标准食谱制作并且要符合食品卫生 。 2.   Hands on supervision of work operations. 监 督 厨房的正常运作。 3.   Assist the Sous Chef/Junior Sous Chef in the day-to-day operation of the kitchen and to help maintain a high Standard of food preparation and presentation. 协助厨师长/副厨师长管理厨房的正常运作,保证食品的高质量 。 4.    Support the Sous Chef/Junior Sous Chef in the overall smooth operation of the kitchen ensuring prompt service at all times. 在厨房运作方面支持厨师长/副厨师长工作,保证提供高效率的服务。 5.    Planning, Preparation and Implementation of High Quality Food& Beverage Products and Set-up’s in all Areas and  Restaurants. 计划和准备执行高质量的食品和摆设在指定的餐厅。 6.   Seamless working with Recipes, Standards and Plating Guides. 严格按照菜谱、标准和摆盘标准。 7.    Continuous Organization of Maintenance, Cleanliness and Hygiene according to Safe & Sound Procedures as well the established FSMS Standards. 继续保持清洁和卫生依照安全和可靠的程序制定的卫生标准。 8. Maintenance of all HACCP aspects within the hotel operation. 在酒店运营之中保持HACCP各方面要求。 9.   Correct usage of all equipment, tools and machines. 正确操作所有的设备、器具和机器。 10.  Can be asked to work for off site events. 可以被要求进行外卖工作。 11.  Can be asked to complete tasks and jobs outside the kitchen areas. 可以被要求在厨房以外的地点完成工作。 12.   Can be utilised during inventories. 可以被要求进行盘存工作。 13.     All team members have to be knowledgeable about occupancy, events, forecast and achievements.所有员工都应知道关于住宿率,宴会,预测计划和收益。 14.     Preperation of menus as per request, in timely fashion. 及时的按要求准备菜单。 15.     Close working relationship with the Stewarding Department to ensure high levels of cleanliness and low levels of lost and breakages. 与管事部紧密的工作关系确保高质量的清洁和最低程度的破损。 16.     Every guest request must be responded to complete satisfaction. 对于每位客人的要求要作出回应使客人满意。 17.     Willingness to learn and adapt to changes. 积极的学习和适当的改变。 18.     Maintain at all times a professional and positive attitude towards his team members, and supervisors alike, and behave in accordance to the established hotel rules and team member handbook for him and team member under his supervision. To ensure smooth operation of the department. 时刻保持对于同事和主管等一个专业和积极的态度,依据酒店的规则和员工手册的要求行     为举止,确保部门的良好运营。 19.     Coordinate, organize and participate in all production pertaining to the kitchen. Checks and follow-up on the mise-en-place of the ala carte menu and daily menus, seasonal specials. Maintains the standards of preset recipes, portion control and costing at all times. 协调、组织和参与和厨房有关的所有产品的制作,检查并依照零点菜单和每日菜单,季节特供菜单。时刻保持预先设置菜单的标准,份量和成本。
  • 雅安 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1、Able to work with and to consume all products and ingredients. 能够合理消耗所有产品和配料。 2、Ability to set priorities and to complete tasks in timely manner. 有能力按照事情的优先顺序按时完成任务。 3、Working well in stress situations, remain calm under pressure and able to desolve problems. 在压力下很好地完成工作,保持冷静解决问题。 4、Able to work in an moist, hot and sometimes loud environment. 能够在潮湿,热和不时吵闹的环境中工作。 5、Must have a good knowledge of Western or Chinese cuisine to carry out the duties and responsibilities for theposition in an efficient and productive manner. 具备有与本职位相配的中西餐烹饪知识,高效率、高质量完成本职工作。
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